martes, 7 de octubre de 2014

four ways to save your life

                     4 WAYS TO SAVE YOUR  LIFE

Last class we talk about four ways to save your life  

In case of drowning :
don't try to swim in open water it can be dangerous , even if you are a good swimmer ! If you have a boat ,stay with it . it is easier to identify than people . And keep and eye out for rescue boats.

                                                       Crushed in a crowd:                                                              
for example if you go to a concert make sure you know where the exits are .It's like an a  umbrella that  you have opened in front of you  . That's the area of greatest density. Move backwards or to one side . As soon as you are away from the point , the                                                                     pressure decreases.

House fire:
don't open any doors unless you know for sure there is no fire on the other side .Touch the handle with the back of your hand ,if is hot you don't open the door. Instead go to a window and shout help 

when there is a storm , you safest indoors. If you are out ,don't take cover under a tree.If you are in a car , you are safe .It is also safe to use a mobil phone.

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